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For a Greener World

We are completely committed to our surroundings and the environment. 

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Trees  and more trees

Since the late 1950s we have planted a number of native trees and plants on the farm.  

Making a quick calculation, we will have planted more than 250,000 trees, not counting the seven hectares of vineyards planted in 2012.

This is work that never stops. Our goal is to plant and plant to enrich nature and our environment.

Local products

In our kitchens we have always opted for quality local products.

We are very lucky as there is a very good Iberian pig in the area  fantastic prime beef, wonderful legumes, extra virgin olive oil and endless delicacies.

Our obsession with zero kilometre products is such that in 2020 we launched our own organic orchard, from which we harvest seasonal vegetables.

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Clean energy

In accordance with the values and objectives of the Castle of Good Love and with the support of the European Union, it has been possible to carry out an installation of photovoltaic panels, Geothermal Energy and an improvement in the energy efficiency of circulating pumps for the air conditioning of the castle.


within a package of measures designed to achieve our commitment to the environment of drastically reducing the carbon footprint of our services. In this way we are going to stop emitting more than 172,000kg of CO2 per year.

Sostenibilidad y eficiencia

En nuestra continua labor de mejora y compromiso con el medio ambiente, hemos dado un nuevo paso en la eficiencia energética, incorporando acumuladores para la energía fotovoltaica, optimizando así el aprovechamiento de la energía solar que ya utilizamos. 

También hemos implementado nuevas medidas que nos permiten reducir el consumo energético y minimizar nuestra huella de carbono. Esta actuación se enmarca dentro del programa de subvenciones destinadas a proyectos de Eficiencia Energética y Economía Circular de empresas turísticas (2024), dentro del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, financiado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU.

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Nuestro objetivo sigue siendo claro: avanzar hacia un modelo más sostenible, reduciendo el impacto ambiental sin renunciar al confort y la calidad que nos caracterizan. Gracias a estas mejoras, seguimos construyendo un futuro más eficiente y respetuoso con el entorno, en armonía con la historia y la naturaleza que nos rodean.

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